
On Thursday afternoon I went to see my doctor. I had awoken that morning feeling nervous for no apparent reason. I like my doctor. I trust my doctor. We’ve been through a lot over the past 13 or so years. For the purposes of our story, we will call him Dr. McHottie Hot, or Dr. McHH for short, because that is what I jokingly call him to other people.

So I’ve left work right after the bell and I’m sitting in the procedure room, just me with no pants, Dr. McHH, his nurse (she’s cool too), and random scribe chick. The whole thing should be no big deal. I’ve had this done before. I trust him and yet I can’t explain my feelings of nervousness. Dr. McHH says, ” I can offer you a parablock to lessen the pain.” I quickly responded, “I accept.” I filled out the waivers for the procedure. I laid back, tried to go to my happy place with my legs ups.

I felt the injection, a sudden numbing of my legs, exclaimed, “I feel so hiiiiiigh!”, and then everything changed.


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